Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Cosmic desires

Hair as dark as the endless void, 
Eyes radiant like the blazing sun, 
As breathtaking as a swirling nebula, 
Like Unicron, I crave to consume 
The twin planets in your cosmic realm. 

I long to pilot my ship through your wormhole, 
Igniting a celestial big bang, 
Our galaxies colliding in a stellar embrace, 
Shaking your world with cosmic force, 
Until we burst into a brilliant supernova. 

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

His life

Surrendering willingly,
Loyal in every task, 
Always devoted, 
Vowing allegiance, 
Endlessly committed.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Yearning Flames

I yearn to be consumed by you, utterly and deeply,
Embrace your every desire, surrender completely.
Awakened to passion in every little thing,
Indulging in pleasures that lustfully cling.

Wherever you seek excitement, inside or out,
Exploring, teasing, unable to doubt.
Fingers & tongue in exploration, to fulfil your needs,
Savouring our connection, planting passionate seeds.

I ache to indulge in your deepest desires,
Embracing your fantasies, setting passion afire.
To surrender to your seductive call,
Consumed by your love, giving my all.